Coulage Bulgaria

Bulgarian Travel Information

Travel Information for getting around in Bulgaria. Find expert advice and up-to-date information on ship, bus, air travel, where to stay in Bulgaria and other useful travel tips. Dont forget to also find out the regions of Bulgaria Plan your holiday in Bulgaria, including destination guides, itineraries, train and bus timetables, hotels apartments and rooms, transport tips and other useful travel advice.

Bulgarian Guards

Public Holidays

List of all 2020 public holidays in Bulgaria. The majority of public holidays are based on Orthodox observances and Bulgarian cultural traditions.

Motorway Bulgarian Motorways

Numerous bridges, viaducts, flyovers, underpasses, passages, wildlife crossings, tunnels, architectural and historic sites and make the Bulgarian motorways quite impressive and interesting to drive on.

Wellness centre


Mineral spas are spa resorts developed around naturally occurring mineral springs. Like seaside resorts, they are mainly used recreationally although they also figured prominently in prescientific medicine.


Travel to Greece, Turkey, Romania

The easy and interesting way to reach Greece from Bulgaria is by car and by train. For those going to Greece from Black sea coat is to follow the road to Makaza passage.